Joe Peacock's Website Hope you’ve got some time, cause I have a lot to say… Like this latest post:

Note To Self, 1.20.17


Something to ponder today, whether it be your workouts, your job, your relationship, or the state of the country:
“If you don’t think you can make it through today, then just make it through the next hour. And if you don’t think you can make it through the next hour, just make it through the next minute. And if you don’t think you can make it through the next minute, then make it through the second — but you WILL make it.”


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By Joe Peacock
Joe Peacock's Website Hope you’ve got some time, cause I have a lot to say… Like this latest post:

Cash Me Outside

This blog is mostly text. If you want pictures, find them on the social media places I use. Oh and buy my books too.