If you're going to follow your dream, know that your dream has costs. Only YOU can decide if they're worth it. So how bad do you want it?
Cats, Squares (or Circles) On Floors, and Bullshit PROOF!
The whole idea that "if you draw a square on the floor, a cat magically appears" is unequivocal bullshit eventual truth.
Note To Self, 4.13.17
Literally learning this one every single day
The Future Kinda Blows A Little
Burger King will hijack your automated voice assistant to sell you burgers, after hackers spy on you from your TV. Welcome to the future. It's pretty awful.
Note To Self, 4.12.17
Note To Self: when the world seems shit, go be not shitty instead
Art Challenge, Day 15 of 90
Day 15 of 90 and all is well, surprisingly! But today's update isn't about me, it's about my friend Joseph Rhodes and his amazing music!
Screenland – A Documentary Series on Digital Culture and Entertaiment, Airing April 24 on RedBull.tv
I wrote and Contributed Produced (?) a documentary series about digital culture and entertainment called Screenland. It airs April 24 on RedBull.TV. I hope you like it.
Note To Self, 4.10.17
Something I had to remind myself of recently, and will likely again sometime
If You Like Currency Puns, You’re Yen For A Treat
Get it? YEN for a treat?
The Most Thorough $1500 Tea Infuser Review In The History Of Ever vs. My One Line Review
$1500. For a tea infuser. My review lies within