Joe Peacock's Website Hope you’ve got some time, cause I have a lot to say… Like this latest post:


Tattoos, Symbolism, LGBTQ+ Rights, Comic Book Characters, And The Ever Evolving Change In Meanings

Whelp, this sucks. If you’re unaware (and honestly I don’t blame you if you aren’t, this is a really, really, REALLY niche thing to be aware of), Dave Sim recently published a one-shot comic featuring his character, Cerebus the Aardvark, in what seems to be a very anti-LGBTQ+ storyline and message: Photo credit: CW Cooke. Hate-filled nonsense credit: Dave Sim Now, related but...

Joe Peacock's Website Hope you’ve got some time, cause I have a lot to say… Like this latest post:

Cash Me Outside

This blog is mostly text. If you want pictures, find them on the social media places I use. Oh and buy my books too.