Joe Peacock's Website Hope you’ve got some time, cause I have a lot to say… Like this latest post:


Why Bother? (Pt. 2)

As a reformed shithead, I constantly feel pushed to try to awaken other shitheads to the reality that there’s a better way to be. And as a reformed shithead, I have to constantly remind myself just how useless that was when my head was fully up my own ass. I couldn’t hear anyone while I was way up in there. Or, rather, I could hear them talking, but I never really listened. I was...

Marlowe Kana Volume 4 Manuscript is Done…

“How do you feel?” I think it’s instinctual for people to ask that question when you tell them you’ve just finished a big project. And I’ve been asked it a dozen or so times since I put the last period on the last sentence of the Marlowe Kana Volume 4 manuscript. And in every single iteration, I’ve answered the same way: “Good. TIRED. Relieved.”...

Ten Years Gone

I ran across an article that summarized all the technological changes of the internet the last ten years. It got me thinking about all the other changes - both on the internet, and in my life -- as well.

Joe Peacock's Website Hope you’ve got some time, cause I have a lot to say… Like this latest post:

Cash Me Outside

This blog is mostly text. If you want pictures, find them on the social media places I use. Oh and buy my books too.